food blessing
third Wednesday of every month at 5:30 – 7:30 PM
A food pantry ministry that is open to all residents in the Dauphin County area. Food items vary from month to month. This ministry is first come, first served. You are welcome to come early and line up at the front entrance to the church, but the doors do not open until 5:30 PM. If it is your first time coming, you will need your ID with your current address, along with two pieces of mail that have the same address as your ID.
dinner table
third Wednesday of every month at 5:30 – 7:30 PM
Come and share a free meal and conversation with us!
next steps
Sunday at 11:15 – 12 PM
GTAG’s Next Steps hour occurs every Sunday following our Morning Worship Service. From the smallest child to the most experienced senior adult, our hope is that each individual will find a place where they can interact with God’s Word and other GTAG family members, to deepen each personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Sunday at 11:15 – 12 PM
A relaxed, cafe environment where visitors and new attenders can feel welcomed, loved, and accepted. Guests will also have an opportunity to learn more about Glad Tidings and God’s vision for our church, while enjoying beverage and pastries.
middle school student ministry
Sunday at 9:30 – 12 PM
A program designed for students in grades 5 – 7.
Our strongest desire is to create an environment where young people can experience the life-changing power of Jesus Christ in their lives! This world doesn’t always makes it easy to live out a real relationship with God, but we know that He has GREAT THINGS in store for this generation. We seek to help students begin to expect those things in their lives.
children’s ministry
Sunday at 9:30 – 12 PM
We want kids at GTAG to be excited about God’s love and all that He has for them, and we strive to help them find the truth every week of who Jesus can be in their lives. Teaching our children that they don’t have to wait to be “older” to pray, use their gifts, and be active participants in their spiritual growth and the Kingdom of God is our hope.
Each Sunday, our children will get the foundations of their lesson for the week. The same theme/concept will be built upon Wednesday evenings during our Wednesday Kid’s Club in both whole group, and small group settings. In this way we hope to reinforce the lessons and excitement that comes with learning about the Word together.